Numbers from 1 to 25 in words
Below is a list of the numbers in words from 1 to 25 ordered from highest to lowest.
This list allows to have in a grouped way the correct way in which the numbers from One to Twenty five Hundred should be written with letters.
- 1: One
- 2: Two
- 3: Three
- 4: Four
- 5: Five
- 6: Six
- 7: Seven
- 8: Eight
- 9: Nine
- 10: Ten
- 11: Eleven
- 12: Twelve
- 13: Thirteen
- 14: Fourteen
- 15: Fifteen
- 16: Sixteen
- 17: Seventeen
- 18: Eighteen
- 19: Nineteen
- 20: Twenty
- 21: Twenty one
- 22: Twenty two
- 23: Twenty three
- 24: Twenty four
- 25: Twenty five